mardi 2 janvier 2024

Capitulation of Cape-Haitian...

Sometimes, people thought, because of the current situation, that Jean Jacques Dessalines was a myth. Although some of the paper trails were lost or purposely destroyed, the following newspaper article should serve as a witness to the cession of Cape-Haitian to Dessalines, general in chief of the indigenous Army of Saint-Domingue. 

The 27th Brumaire, 12th year, or 19th November 1803.

Duverier, adjudant-general, charges with full powers by general Rochambeau, commander in chief of the French army in St. Domingue, and John James Dessalines, commander in chief of the native army of St. Domingue, agree upon the following terms of capitulation for the surrender of the city of Cape-Français.

Art. 1. The city of Cape-Français, with all its dependencies, shall be delivered up to general Dessalines in ten days, dating from the 28th current. 

Art. 2. The ammunition which may be in the arsenals, together with all the arms and artillery either in the magasins or forts, shall be delivered up in the same order in which they now are.

Art. 3. All the ships of war and other vessels, which may be deemed necessary by general Rochambeau, for the transportation of the troops, shall be at liberty to depart on the stipulated day.

Art. 4. The officers, civil and military, and the troops composing the garison of the Cape, shall depart with the honors of war, and with all the effects belonging to the semi brigades.

Art. 5. The sick and wounded, not in a situation to be removed, shall be attended to in St. Domingue hospitals till cured. They are especially committed to the humanity of the general in chief Dessalines who shall embark them in neutral vessels for France as soon as possible.

Art. 6. The general in chief Dessalines, in giving his assurance of protection to the inhabitants who may remain in the country, reclaimed by the justice of general Rochambeau, shall be maintained in the enjoyment of the liberties and honors of the country, let their color be what it may, and shall, on no pretext, be forced to embark with the French army.

Art. 7. The troops of the two armies shall maintain their respective positions until the day fixed for the evacuation of the Cape.

Art. 8. For the faithful performance of the present convention, the general in chief Rochambeau, shall deliver a hostage, the adjudant commandant Urban Debeaux, and the general in chief Dessalines, shall give up a hostage on his part, an officer of the same rank.

Done and exchanged, in good faith, at the headquarters, Heights of Cape Français, the day, month and year above mentioned.





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