lundi 30 septembre 2024

Sixth and final day at the UN...

The sixth and final day went without a hitch as member states strolled across the podium to deliver their remarks.

There were a few surprises, particularly the address by North Korea representative, who couldn't resist the opportunity to take some cheap shots at the U.S and its allies.

Overall, the atmosphere was serene and respectful. The Canadian and Ecuador representatives spoke convincingly, evoking dates and statistics to bolster their country's position on the two-state solution as recommendation for peace in the Middle-East region. The majority of U.N member states are of that opinion. 

African countries like Niger, Mozambique and Rwanda, continue to rally around the issues of Security Council representation and United Nations reform.

United Arab Emirates representative delivered a calm but extremely important message at the podium. We must listen to it a second time to really grasp the full impact of the message it sought to deliver.

Well, all good things must come to an end. Our coverage is no exception to that rule. So long and thanks for following along this extremely important and positive world event with us...

Musique de Variété...


samedi 28 septembre 2024

UN: General Assembly Day 5...

Just when we thought the energy was dwindling, an upsurge came out of nowhere... as streams of member states continue to display their willingness to showcase, their intelligence. These states appear to be highly motivated and proud of their current achievements and plans for the future.

Countries, like Luxembourg, Indonesia, Philippines, Mexico and Cuba, were exciting to watch. They brought to bear, with compelling statistics, their emotionally charged remarks as they stepped up to the microphone...

For us, today's coverage was an unparalleled learning experience. Money spent worldwide on armaments went through the roof for year 2023-2024...more than One Trillion dollars spent to date, and counting...

vendredi 27 septembre 2024

UN:Third and Fourth day...


As our week covering the U.N. comes to a close, leaders from countries of every size in terms of wealth and geography, continue to amaze. We could not believe development statistics from Namibia, Bantu and Saint-Vincent. Small Island Developing States (SIDS) representatives spoke on a general lack of fairness to gain access to the international financial system. And, truth be told, those who had access, needed to choose between Death or Debt.

It appears, from the outset, the first document everyone had to sign was the 'Pact for the Future' which one of key objectives appears to be an old slogan 'Leave no one behind'...

At the UN, year after year. agreements like that one are signed. Sometimes old booklets one thought  were obsolete, surprisingly reappeared as new bullet points in new agenda items, as leaders get trapped into a malicious cycle. Could failure to deliver be an option this time?

Happy Friday songs...


Anmwe-y, nou pran...


Ancestors in their own words...


mercredi 25 septembre 2024

Second day at the U.N...

The second day started timidly. Leaders were escorted, marched across the podium one after another. A minority of them, adjusting the microphone while delivering either their personal remarks or a prepared statement.

Some more optimistic than the others about their people and the future of humanity. The theme that everyone appears to coalesce is an immediate cease fire by all parties involved in the Middle-East conflicts.

The consistent drum beat continued unabated. Upon each head of state appearance, one could read on their faces, determination, resolve to see an end to the war in Ukraine. 

At issue are the humanitarian crisis on several parts of the world, and the culminating, devastating effects of Climate Change on developed as well as  smaller countries. 

Some countries proposed a two-state solution to resolve the Middle-East crisis. For those of us that are Good Students of history, that drum beat started long ago.during the Carter administration. who was opposed to such a measure...

mardi 24 septembre 2024

First day at the U.N…

Interesting first day at the U.N general assembly where leaders from all over the world gather not only to voice global concerns and challenges but to speak about  their country’s achieving sustainable development goals.

The hot button issues under discussion were the War in Ukraine, the Israel-Palestinian and South Sudanese conflicts resolution, Climate change, UN Security Council reform, and African countries representation.